
  • 2019,  Family,  Family,  family friendly,  homelife,  motivation

    Winter Holidays 2019

    The first week of the school holidays has flown by so quickly. It’s been quite a cold week, but we have been a little busy. Our youngest (8) wanted to try his hand at martial arts, so we found a spot for him at the Matt Fiddes class in Caloundra. He has just done a trial class so far, and has another one to go, but right now, he is smitten with the idea that he could possibly be the next ‘The Karate Kid’. Hubby watched the first movie with him last week, and he thoroughly enjoyed the antics of Mr Miyagi teaching the young Daniel Larusso the art of…

  • 2017,  Family,  motherhood in the naughties,  motivation,  Parenting,  values

    Living Life Passionately

    It’s funny how the topic of death makes you think a lot about life.  Well, I find it at least ‘interesting’.  When a family member or friend dies, I find I go through a time of deep self-analysis.  I think most people do!   I find myself thinking about what I believe. I also think about what my life looks like right now, what’s important to me, and what changes I would like to make?  Often, what do I want to be remembered for?  None of us know when we are going to die, or how we are going to die!   God knows, of course,  but we aren’t privileged…

  • Family,  homeschooling,  motivation,  school,  values

    Heading Back to High School

    High school can be really hard at times. I should know, this is my second and third time around! Our eldest girls are in year eight and year seven, and I’ll be the first to admit that I really did not enjoy high school the first time around. I am hoping that the fourth (Chanel) and fifth (Jaden) time around will be a little easier! Fingers crossed. This term Amy had to read ‘The Hiding Place” by Corrie Ten Boom, for English. One of her assessment pieces required her to pull it apart, and put it back together in the form of an analytical essay. ‘We’ finished her analytical essay…

  • Family,  motivation,  Things I like,  Things to do,  Weightloss,  who am I

    Mischievious Mum’s Favourite Things 2015

    Do you remember the Oprah show?   I have to admit I miss the Oprah show, particularly the give away shows. The Extravagant “Oprah’s Favourite things’ shows.  I loved seeing Oprah give away luxurious gifts to her shocked and very excited crowds.  Remember the holiday to Australia for all those American teachers, and the time she presented everyone with a new car? Each year, Oprah puts together a list of things that she calls ‘Oprah’s Favourite Things’, and of course this year is no different.  I’m not sure how she goes about giving it all away these days, but I know she can still put together a fabulous ‘favourites list’. Now,  I must remind…

  • motivation,  Things I like,  who am I

    Under the Tuscan Sun

    ‘Under the Tuscan Sun’ is one of my all time favourite movies.   I love the imagery of Italy. The houses built into the hillside, the cobble stone roads, the beautiful old architecture, the vineyards, and the beautiful landscape of Italy.  The story line is good too.  ‘Under the Tuscan Sun”, is about a woman called  Frances Mayes, who happens to be a writer – a writer with writers block, who suddenly finds herself unexpectedly divorced.  Her friends cash in their Tuscany tour holiday so that their friend could have some fun, cheer up and find some direction.   At first Frances refuses, but then she realises she needs to escape the pain…

  • Health,  motivation

    The Paper Chain Weightloss plan

    It seems that I am my own worst enemy! I recently had an ‘Oprah Ah ha’  light bulb moment thanks to Gretchen Rubin.  I have been reading Gretchen Rubin’s new book ‘Better than Before’, and I have just realised my problem – I am an ‘obliger’. An ‘obliger’ is somebody who puts other peoples needs before their own and mums have a tendency to put their family’s needs before making themselves a priority, but I have come to realise the importance of making sure I consider my health a priority. I feel like I have been reading and thinking about health for quite some time now.  In fact, I made a promise to…

  • Family,  family friendly,  motivation,  Parenting,  school

    Raising Techy kids

    Technology has changed our world on so many levels. I can’t imagine our world now without laptops, iPads/tablets, iPods and smartPhones. I can’t imagine life without wifi….God forbid we still lived in a world with dial up internet,  or NO internet at all?!! I can’t imagine life without the many apps I use on a daily basis.  I don’t know about you, but these days I have a very happy codependent relationship with google – a relationship I have no desire to break off. Hubby is very tech savvy, and I love the world of blogging, wordpress, photography, and social media, so it’s very easy to understand why our kids…

  • Health,  motivation,  Weightloss

    Finding my sense of style. Check!

    Are you a fan of the show Offspring? I wasn’t really a fan as such, until recently when I had the flu and was in desperate need of a television fix.   There was nothing on at all so I turned to catch-up television online.   All I wanted was something to watch to dull the flu symptoms, and so it was at this time that I stumbled across a couple of episodes of Offspring.  While I don’t race to watch it when its on, I have since decided that I really like the main character Nina’s quirky personality.  I also like her funky sense of style. Between you and me, I…