• 2019,  Family,  Family,  family friendly,  homelife,  motivation

    Winter Holidays 2019

    The first week of the school holidays has flown by so quickly. It’s been quite a cold week, but we have been a little busy. Our youngest (8) wanted to try his hand at martial arts, so we found a spot for him at the Matt Fiddes class in Caloundra. He has just done a trial class so far, and has another one to go, but right now, he is smitten with the idea that he could possibly be the next ‘The Karate Kid’. Hubby watched the first movie with him last week, and he thoroughly enjoyed the antics of Mr Miyagi teaching the young Daniel Larusso the art of…

  • 2019,  Family

    74 Fun things to Do on the Holidays with No Money!

    The holidays are coming! In a few short days, the school holidays will be upon on us. I literally can not wait! I’m one of those mums who love school holidays with her kids and want the holidays to linger for as long as possible. This term, for us, has been far bigger than the 10 weeks we have all just travelled. It stung, but here we are a couple of days away from the final day of term two. It would be nice to go away over the holidays, and it would be lovely to have a holiday where we could throw money at a number of fun and…

  • 2019,  Politics

    My Only Political Piece

    We are heading to the polls! PM Scott Morrison is in the fight of his Prime Ministership, and the alternative is unthinkable. If Labor become the elected government come Saturday the 18th of May, we are going to have a very different Australia. Labor and the greens are not a good combination and will attempt to destroy our country with practically every single one of their policies. Policies should benefit the majority of Australians not just a select few. Just saying! I can honestly say that I have never been so excited for an election! Putting it plainly, this election is about voting for Life, Morals, and Values! PM Scott…

  • 2019

    Unashamedly Pro Life

    I’m writing this as I don’t want to live my life as one of those who have pitched their tent in the camp of the silent majority. I am writing this because I want to be a voice for the voiceless. A voice in the darkness for a group of people who have no voice. There is a group of people who should have a voice, but don’t because theirs has not yet developed, or been given a chance. I stand for all those babies who are being killed unnecessarily. These babies have done nothing to warrant the labels that are being put on them – unwanted, disabled, inconvenient. Why…

  • 2019,  Family,  Family,  getting organised,  Sunshine Coast

    19 for 2019

    We are 19 days into 2019. Funnily enough, I thought it would be a great day to tell you my 19 for 2019 plan. Some of them are the same as last years list. Truthfully, I didn’t have a brilliant 2018, and I didn’t succeed at many of my goals on the list. I touched on a few, but it really was a pathetic effort on my part. I let a situation that hurt me, taint last year, and while I can’t do anything about that situation, there was something healing about leaving the last year at the door of this brand new year. There were great moments, decisions and…

  • 2019,  Family

    Hello 2019

    There is something quite special about this time of year. Yes it is hot, but the days are long, Christmas and new year celebrations bring family and friends together, and the feeling of being on school holidays makes my heart smile from the inside out. I am in no rush to get back into the grind of term life. Holidays fit me very well – I think they look good on me!! I love the long end of year holidays where we can linger and enjoy the Sunshine Coast for what it is I know I will sound cheeky when I say this, but living on the Sunshine Coast is…