Taking Stock – October 2017
What a month! October has been a good month. Seems life takes interesting turns at times. A turn we didn’t expect we would have to deal with this month, was that our hot water system decided to die, and had to be replaced. I was thankful it didn’t happen mid shower! It is now done, and it is nice to be on the other side of the issue.
So here we are again, at the end of another month. I feel as though I blinked and the month of October came to an end quicker than it started. This is Taking Stock – October 2017.
Cooking: This month has been about simple meals I can do in my sleep.
Drinking : Soda water and lemon – I love it!
Reading: Present over Perfect (Leaving behind Frantic for a simpler, more soulful way of Living), by Shauna Niequist
Trawling: This month I have been looking through our family photos. It’s so nice to remember our family when they were little. I love reminiscing of times gone by. I can’t believe my eldest is 15!
Wanting: A photographic memory, and I still want a magical wand to clean the house AND put meals on the table – without having to put in any effort! (I’m just being real – I know every mum would want a magical wand to do these things!)
Looking: Forward. Always forward.
Deciding: This month deciding what to get for Amy’s birthday present was hard work. It’s a lot harder these days to buy presents for our teenager. She loves to play marvel games on the Xbox so we got her the Spider-Man game she was interested in, and a few other things she mentioned she needed. Thank goodness we have 12 months to figure out what next years present will be. She jokingly said ‘A car’ She will be looking to get her learners this time next year. Suddenly I feel a little anxious.
Wishing: I wish we had the ability to turn back time. To say the things we should have said, and to take back words that I should never have said.
Enjoying: Listening to ‘Adventures of Odyssey “ the Ultimate Road Trip”’ with the kids. Also enjoying a few days on the Gold Coast to celebrate the kids working hard over the course of the semester. There is something very healing to sit by the ocean and regroup.
Waiting: I was waiting for the ‘YOU HAVE WON…’ phone call from Boystown….but it never came. So disappointing, as we really loved this last home in Tanawha.
Liking: This month I celebrated another birthday. I don’t mind getting older as long as I have my family around me.
Wondering: How to become a super hero! This mum thing is hard work!
Loving: My family – immediate and extended! There aren’t enough words for how much I love my family.
Pondering: Life. God. Love. Family. Friendship. Purpose. Kids. My Mum, Our niece. My sister in law. And the list goes on and on.
Listening: To my ‘everyday music’ playlist on Spotify.
Considering: What to buy my nieces and nephews for Christmas. Also I would like to find out how to grow avocados as I am over being ripped off at the supermarket.
Buying: Just the bare essentials – we don’t need anything at the moment.
Watching: ‘When Calls My Heart’. This month I found my all time favourite show. It’s a period drama based in the early 1900’s about a rich young woman who becomes a teacher and gets a job on the Rocky Mountain Frontier, despite her families displeasure. It’s a wonderful story about the life of the people in an old coal town. I am looking forward to season 4 coming out. Hope it is soon.
Hoping: To catch up with a friend for coffee/hot chocolate
Marvelling: I feel I am a calmer person when I go to church regularly.
Cringing: At the way a child (about 7) at the shops spoke to her mum today. The mother didn’t even blink – I think she might be used too being spoken to like that.
Needing: Early nights – I am my own worst enemy!
Questioning: Politicians. The way our world is being run. Why is it so hard for some people to do the right thing?
Smelling: Fresh linen – love!!!
Wearing: T-shirt and long denim shorts.
Noticing: Time passes far too quickly.
Knowing: The days are long but the years are short. (Gretchen Rubin)
Thinking: About new ways to improve my blog, be a better mum, be a better wife, take better photos, exercise, eating good food, blogging articles, church, friends, family members, my Aunt, what DIY jobs we should tackle first, how to help mum transition into her ’new normal’, taking mum down to Brisbane to see her sister, my to-do list, things to do on the holidays with the kids, should I cut my hair? (just a few things)
Admiring: Some really wonderful women in my life.
Getting: I got an Apple TV for my birthday. Love it! It has opened up my world of choices.
Bookmarking: Natural skin care recipes, teaching phonics, blending ladders etc
Opening: Bills – yuck!
Closing: Down apps on my phone I have decided I don’t really like or use.
Feeling: Tired. I’m looking forward to the end of the school year. Holidays where are you???
Hearing: The girls chatting about youth and what’s happening in their lives. I love how they chat with each other. Not just sisters these days. Friends. My heart smiles when I see this happen.
Celebrating: My eldest daughters birthday and mine. Also the fact that we have a new hot water system!
Pretending: I have lots of money in the bank. I can dream can’t I??
Embracing: Life with both hands.
So here we are, a couple of days from November. What adventures will be had in November?