
  • 2020,  Health,  homelife

    Life is like a Box of Chocolates

    The world’s gone crazy! People are losing the plot over toilet paper rolls, and hand soap. Countries are closing their borders, and there is a sense of urgency and uncertainty happening around us. I for one have never experienced anything like the strange feelings surrounding this rapid sense of global chaos. The need to be at home suits me fine. I am a self-proclaimed home body at the best of times, but it is the forced sense of family isolation that causes me a tad amount of anxiety. I know it will all work out in the end, and I’m thankful that our Government hasn’t completely closed down our country.…

  • 2018,  Health,  homelife

    The Art of Self Care

    Over the last couple of months I have been hearing many voices around me refer to the idea or concept of self care.    I obviously love the idea of self care and I have many images of what Self Care looks like to me run through my mind when the phrase is mentioned, but I really struggle to actually take time out for myself.   I am quickly learning that I need to take time out to refresh my soul.  I am a much better person for it – when I actually do it! I can imagine myself climbing into a beautiful bath with bubbles, a glass of white…

  • 2018,  Family,  Family,  Health,  homelife

    Soul Searching January

    What an amazing first month of the year! 2018 has gotten off to a great start! The end of the holidays are closing in on us sadly.  These holidays have been a wonderful time for our family.   We have spent quality time together and this in itself has been what I call, priceless!!  Time together is what we needed. Family time + Quality time = Closeness, and the opportunity to do some soul searching! Soul searching gives us an opportunity to assess our lives, make some new decisions, come to terms and make peace with what or who we have lost (specifically people who have left our lives), and…

  • Health,  motherhood in the naughties,  Weightloss

    Embrace – Love your body!

    Last week a friend of mine and I attended the ‘Embrace’ documentary movie at the Maroochydore Cinemas. I love a good documentary movie.   That is, a documentary that takes you on a journey to understanding.   A journey to see life from a different perspective.    Taryn Brumfitt, the woman who made the documentary movie, really is amazing.  The reason behind doing the documentary was to help create a world where women stopped hating their bodies, and started loving their bodies – no matter the shape or size. What I loved about the Embrace movie? I loved that Taryn put herself in the documentary.  She didn’t just narrate the story – she…

  • Health,  home,  Sunshine Coast,  Things I like

    September – The Love Month

    September is my favourite month of the year! Welcome to September – the month of sunshine and happiness! Our moderate-mostly-warm-Winter has gone, and Spring has come around again.  The days are becoming longer, the birds are chirping, and the flowers are starting to burst and bloom with colour.  There is a sense of excitement in the air, and I know its all because Spring has arrived.  I think the best way to describe this feeling I have is that I feel my soul is rejoicing – Spring has arrived! Its a great time of year for so many reasons. 1. Warmer Weather. Spring means the weather is warming up and jumpers can be put…

  • Family,  Health,  home,  homelife,  Parenting

    Simplifying Life

    There is a lot of talk in my group of friends about how busy our lives are.   We all have kids, a couple of mums work full time,  some work part time, some are stay at home parents, some are single mums and a few of us are married, and none of us feel as though we have enough time in the day to do anything for ourselves.   We feel rushed and reactive rather than relaxed and responsive, and I think we are the ones who will pay for the lifestyle we live now, long term. We have to learn how to slow down and enjoy the journey.…

  • Health,  home

    Hello 2016 – Ditch the New Years Resolutions!

    Happy New Year! I think 2016 is going to be a really good year.   As per usual I found myself thinking about making some ‘New year’s Resolutions’, but this year I’m going to do something a little differently.  I have realised that for whatever reason, I am unable to follow through and complete my ‘New Year’s Resolutions’, and apparently according to, only 8% are able to make their new years resolutions a reality.   That means I am in the 92% that fail, which means that I don’t feel very good about myself when I think about the previous years list of resolutions. I’d rather not be apart…

  • Health,  motivation

    The Paper Chain Weightloss plan

    It seems that I am my own worst enemy! I recently had an ‘Oprah Ah ha’  light bulb moment thanks to Gretchen Rubin.  I have been reading Gretchen Rubin’s new book ‘Better than Before’, and I have just realised my problem – I am an ‘obliger’. An ‘obliger’ is somebody who puts other peoples needs before their own and mums have a tendency to put their family’s needs before making themselves a priority, but I have come to realise the importance of making sure I consider my health a priority. I feel like I have been reading and thinking about health for quite some time now.  In fact, I made a promise to…