• 2020,  Taking Stock

    Taking Stock – December 2020

    I was so excited for December to come this year. It has been quite the year in so many ways. Sadly, December came and disappeared very quickly. However, our December was a great month for so many reason. Our family went away to the Gold Coast for one of our best holidays ever. We thoroughly enjoyed our time away together. We celebrated the kids finishing school for the year, and we celebrated our eldest finishing her advanced diploma. We found out that she was one of three who actually graduated with her qualification. Her other classmates must need to resubmit certain assessment pieces before they can move forward to receiving…

  • 2020,  Taking Stock

    Taking Stock – September 2020

    I’m not sure about you, but I’m a bit stunned – it’s the end of September already! I love the month of September, mostly because it’s the start of Spring. Hope is in the air, and it kind of feels like a new day. Winter has gone away and there is a freshness in the air. The sky’s are blue and the sun is shining! Spring is my favourite time of the year! Making: A home that I enjoy living in. And so, I have been working on this by sorting out of our house hold. I have been pulling things out of cupboards – asking myself the famous ‘Does…

  • 2020,  Taking Stock

    Taking Stock – May 2020

    Hello! Today is the last day of May 2020. May is one of my favourite months of the year. The temperature is starting to change from boiling hot to a nice and cool climate. I’m not a fan of the cold weather, but I do love a warm sunny winter day where I am comfortable in jeans and a shirt. This month we remembered my Dad. It’s hard to believe ten years has flown by so quickly. The first of May 2010 is a day we will never forget. Mothers Day was fun even though a few of us have had head colds (Definitely not covid-19). We also celebrated our…

  • 2020,  Taking Stock

    Taking Stock – April 2020

    Hello! Here we are at the end of the fourth month of the year. April! Time moves far too quickly for my liking. Strangely, for me, this last month has been a whirl wind. We are still isolated at home, but we are doing fine. My favourite word at the moment is Resilience, and I am trusting God to help us all get through the pandemic safely and securely, oh and fast. Making: Too be honest, April wasn’t a making ‘month’ for me. Outside of the ‘making’ of meals, obviously! My kids have been creative though! Our eldest has been working on her tafe assessments, Beps is doing a cross…

  • 2020,  Taking Stock

    Taking Stock – March 2020

    Hello March! This month has been crazy. Right across the world, the goal of March Has been ‘Eliminate Covid-19’. Right across the world restrictions are in full force, and the news coverage every day is doom and gloom. I am looking forward to seeing the back of this rotten virus, and getting back to normal. Australia is yet to go through winter so it will be interesting to see how we fair through the next couple of months. From a personal family point of view, despite the crazy world of ‘toilet paper and hand sanitizer gate’, March has been a good month. Tafe life and school life is in full…