18 for 2018
Fun Plan for 2018!’
- ‘Fun with Friends in 2018’. Individually and as a family. Learn from 2017, and look for opportunities to invest into the beautiful people in my life. Also, when life does get busy, because lets face it, everyone gets busy, I am going to communicate better and not retreat. I need to communicate better with my friends when life is a little full on.
Pretend we are on a lifestyle DIY show. The goal is to create and improve our home, complete renovations and do some landscaping! Can we do it? YES we can!!!
Go to the beach more often – 2 or 3 times a week. I Iove the beach.
Fun Dates with hubby – Schedule some fun dates with hubby into the calendar. IF it’s not in the calendar- it doesn’t happen.
Strengthen relationships with extended family members!!!
Families who play together – stay together! Schedule family fun dates into the calendar!
Quality one on one times with each of our children regularly
Dinner party at our home with good friends. 2018 is the year I want to raise the friendship bar!
Experiment in the kitchen with new recipes – Primarily, the Donna Hay Healthy Kids cookbook
See more sunrises or sunsets when I go walking at our local beaches. If there is no photo – did it really happen?
Do something creative every week
I love to declutter and work at simplifying our lives.
Schedule end of term celebrations for our family.
Health and well being – exercise, doctors appointments, blood tests and the like
Write often – journal, blog etc
Play with my camera!!! Spend time learning about photography via YouTube course.
Family life book – I have been wanting to put a book together that includes our wills and all that pertains to how we run our household. What accounts bills come from, etc
Put the fun back into Homeschooling and keep it interesting and organised
A bonus thought…..due to my inability to condense my list down to 18.
- Read my bible in a year challenge – starting February 1.