Taking Stock – September 2017
Making : I don’t have time to make anything, but our youngest daughter is continually surprising us with her creative abilities. Our middle daughter loves to bake so there is often a sweet smell coming from our kitchen, Our eldest is going from strength with her love of learning the guitar. Our awesome boy loves to bash nails into timber, and make a bit of a mess!
Cooking : Lots of survival meals this month. Curried chicken with rice, spaghetti bowl, salads with chicken. While I love the idea of trying new recipes, I haven’t really had a chance this month.
Drinking : Always Soda water and lemon. Still! Again! and love!
Reading: ‘First to Forty’ by Rebecca Moore (my friends book – it was so good), ‘The Magnolia Story’ by Chip and Joanna Gaines. ‘God’s smuggler’, by brother Andrew. I really love reading, especially about people who do amazing things in their lives for a greater cause.
Trawling: Letting my fingers do the walking – we desperately need new dining chairs. After 15.5 years, we have 3 dining chairs left our of a set of 8. Trawling websites to see where we can get a good deal.
Wanting: Dining set and new fridge. Outside of those though..not in need of anything. Content.
Learning: How to deal with people who I find it very difficult to be around. Avoiding isn’t an option.
Looking: For new dining table and chairs.
Deciding: What to buy for our family ‘Secret Santa’ people. Christmas is a fun season.
Wishing: Magic wands were real. 🙂
Enjoying: Hanging with my tribe at home. Listening to my playlist on spotify, reading, watching movies, listening to podcasts – Lots of things. I especially love being able to enjoy our outdoor area.
Waiting: Not really waiting for anything. Just doing life to the best of my ability, living in the present.
Liking: School holidays! May they never end! 🙂
Loving: My desk! I feel I have a place in the house I can go and work on my little projects. Also we bought some chairs for outside on the pergola. We have been doing a lot of reading out on the pergola area.
Pondering: The simple things in life, and how little we need in our lives to be happy.
Listening: My playlists on Spotify, Happier with Gretchen Rubin podcast, Focus on the Family podcasts, Steven Furtick – just to name a few. I have sorted through my podcasts and deleted ones that no longer fit with who I am or what I am about.
Buying: Only what we need….outside of food, we don’t really need much. My kids think differently of course!
Watching: ‘The Flash’ with the kids. Its a bit of fun, and I love seeing how much they love me being apart of their interests. 🙂 I can not tell you how much I love that ‘The Bachelor’ is now over. NOT WATCHING THE BATCHELORETTE!
Hoping: For great things in this next season of life – Love spring!
Marvelling: At how much our church does for its people, but also in the community.
Cringing: At pessimistic people who go out of their way to hurt and bring others down.
Needing: outside of new dining table – nothing!
Smelling: rose water
Wearing: Comfortable clothes – Not Yoga pants!!
Noticing: How fast this year is going. I can’t believe we are heading into term 4 of 2017.
Knowing: This meme really spoke to me this month. I am totally okay with not being liked by everyone. At the end of the day, the issue is theirs not mine…because my goal is just to be the person God intended me to be. Flaws and all. 😉
Trouble-shooting: Thyroid medication issues, and a bit of back pain.
Thinking: About the Gold Coast. I Love it down there!!!
Admiring: People who are passionate about what they are doing in their lives! I find that so inspiring. Our church is sending people to East London in Africa. We are going to have a Calvary South Africa!!
Bookmarking: Art ideas for the kids.
Opening: The VOTE.
Closing: The Envelope and posting!!! Thank God, that’s done!!
Feeling: Happy, content
Dreaming: Of Holidays on the Gold Coast.
Hearing: Listening to the kids chat about about Marvel – we apparently are a Marvel family these days, but we also like DC. DC is Supergirl, Superman, Flash, Wonder Woman, Batman, Aquaman, the Green lantern etc.
Celebrating: School holidays, good attitudes, friendship, kids finding purpose at youth, life in general, love, church life, everyday is a good day when you have a good attitude and outlook.
Pretending: Again this month I am pretending to be organised. I’m not!
Embracing: Life, family and friends.
And that’s a wrap!
I’m so excited about Spring!