• green palm tree
    2024,  Adventures

    The Happiest Time of the Year!

    Today is a magnificent day! The sun is shining and the sky is a beautiful blue. Finally, the weather feels as though we are slipping quickly into Spring. Only six days till Spring! This year Spring and Father’s day fall on the same day, so we are planning a fun day to celebrate here on the Coast. If you weren’t aware, Spring is my favourite season of the year. I look forward to our days becoming longer, and I look forward to saying goodbye to winter for another year. I know winter has its purpose, but I am a girl who loves Spring, and would love Spring to stick around…

  • green coconut trees near body of water
    2024,  family fun

    Daydreaming and Planning

    Over the last few months I have been watching the job sites and putting in for jobs that I believe I can do. With the cost of living going up, the extra money would be incredibly helpful. The difficulty that I am having is that I have been a stay at home mum for a long time, and while yes I 100% believe our decision to have me at home with the kids was a good one overall for our family – it has come at a financial cost to our family. I wish we still lived in a world where stay at home mums were the norm rather than…

  • 2018,  Family,  Family

    Easter Holidays 2018

    On Thursday, tomorrow, the first school term of the year will be finished, and the holidays will start. YAY! If you know me, you will know that I love the school holidays. I’m a homeschooling mum so it does make sense that I love the school holidays, but, if you have known me for some time, you will know that I have always been one of those mums who loves school holidays! I like to find that nice balance between lots of activities, getting a few things done at home, and relaxing. It’s not always easy to find that balance, but its always good to write a few ideas down…

  • 2017,  Family

    The 2017 Wrap Up

    What an amazing, huge, emotionally charged, crazy year!   How does one really evaluate a year that has been so big in so many ways!!!  If I was to link a song to this year, I think I would probably choose Myley Cyrus’s ‘Wrecking Ball’ song!  2017 came in like a wrecking ball! At the start of 2017, I had a lot of ideas for how I wanted the year to play out – things I wanted to do personally, and a number of things I wanted to achieve for our family.  I knew it was going to be a little challenging to do it all, but I think I…

  • Family,  Taking Stock

    Taking Stock – June 2017

    June has been a massive month for our family.  I wish I could say it was a good month, but it really has been a hard month overall.   We got through, survived reporting, a death, funeral, and now, thank God, we are on school holidays.  All I can say is that I am so glad to be on school holidays. So here is TAKING STOCK – JUNE. Cooking: I have lost my desire to cook mojo at the moment. June has been a massive month for our immediate and extended family, and I am hoping the good old mojo comes back in soon. Drinking : Soda water and lemon…

  • Family,  family fun

    Gold Coast Holiday 2016 – The Q1

    Since we last spoke, life got a little busy with end of year school related busyness and then we headed off to the Gold Coast for our family holiday.  We had ten glorious days on the Gold Coast. I got a brilliant deal at the Q1 via an eBay deal. I know what your thinking, “You got a great holiday deal on eBay?  That sound crazy!” Well yes it was crazy – but it was pretty awesome.  I don’t like to brag but when it comes to getting brilliant deals, I must say that I have some amazing skills. Our 2 bedroom apartment was on the 32nd floor and we had amazing…

  • Family,  getting organised,  household jobs,  motivation,  school

    Its 2013….Happy New Year!!!

    It has been 10 days since 2012 finished and 2013 started, and I have spent the last ten days getting organised, sorted, appointments, and really enjoying my kids.   Jaden’s second birthday is on the 12th so I have organised a little birthday morning tea for him and his little cousin Charlotte who is 8 days younger than him.  I have also spent time writing – not just for my blog (not yet published as I have been juggling the must do, with the want to do), but planning 2013 and action plans too boot!    This week hubby went back to work, and while I was sad the holidays…

  • Family,  Family

    School holidays, reflecting on the past and looking to the future!

    The Summer school holidays started with a bang! The count down to Christmas is on, and the excitement is starting to build.   In some ways it feels a little surreal – I know the holidays have started – but at the same time I feel that I have to pinch myself to believe that the holidays have actually arrived.  The end of year excitement is in the air and I love it.   Its my favourite time of the year. Christmas is everywhere, the days are longer, the nights are lovely.  It just a wonderful time of year. This time of year brings a lot of love to the…