
  • Family,  Health,  home,  homelife,  Parenting

    Simplifying Life

    There is a lot of talk in my group of friends about how busy our lives are.   We all have kids, a couple of mums work full time,  some work part time, some are stay at home parents, some are single mums and a few of us are married, and none of us feel as though we have enough time in the day to do anything for ourselves.   We feel rushed and reactive rather than relaxed and responsive, and I think we are the ones who will pay for the lifestyle we live now, long term. We have to learn how to slow down and enjoy the journey.…

  • Family,  homeschooling,  motivation,  school,  values

    Heading Back to High School

    High school can be really hard at times. I should know, this is my second and third time around! Our eldest girls are in year eight and year seven, and I’ll be the first to admit that I really did not enjoy high school the first time around. I am hoping that the fourth (Chanel) and fifth (Jaden) time around will be a little easier! Fingers crossed. This term Amy had to read ‘The Hiding Place” by Corrie Ten Boom, for English. One of her assessment pieces required her to pull it apart, and put it back together in the form of an analytical essay. ‘We’ finished her analytical essay…

  • Family,  homeschooling

    Our 2015 the year that was

    One of my pet hates is that as soon as Christmas finishes, the ‘Back to School’ advertising starts.  I feel as though there is always this massive rush to get organised for the next school year before I am ready.  It would be nice to have a chance to reflect on the year that just was, digest, and recover from Christmas.  I want to get organised for the new school year when I am ready to do so, rather than feeling pushed into it because the advertising has started.  I feel it creates this unnecessary stress, an inner panic for a mum who isn’t ready to face the school year.  I…

  • Family,  getting organised,  home,  homelife

    A Mischievious Christmas

    Christmas is a season that should be enjoyed, happy memories made, and mums should not be locked in the kitchen preparing the meal while everyone else is having fun. Sadly, the Christmas period can be a stressful time in the year for many mums and it really shouldn’t be. My favourite mantra is ‘Keep It Simple’, because its important to get back to what Christmas is all about. Its about connecting with the people in our lives that are special to us. To ‘keep life as simple’ as possible, you must get yourself and your family organised. Everyone (including extended family) needs to be on the same page. The goal…

  • birthday presents,  Family,  parenting teenagers,  who am I

    Embracing 40 with Style and Pizazz!

    It was birthday week in our household this week – not just one birthday, but two! Amy officially became a teenager on Wednesday, so on Tuesday evening the rest of the family secretly blew up a pack of a 100 balloons so that Amy would wake to a room full of balloons. We only had a few balloon casualties along the way.   The next morning, hubby and I smuggled approximately 96 balloons into Amy’s room before she woke up.  We covered her bed with as many balloons that would stay on her bed, and then waited in the doorway to her bedroom for her alarm to go off, which didn’t take too long thankfully. Amy really…

  • Family,  Marriage

    Refresh thy Marriage

    Having children has definitely made our lives far richer than I could ever have known or imagined.  My only wish is that hubby and I had more time to plan and dream about our lives and our future like we did when we were first together.  While I love where we are 13 years and 10 months on, I sometimes wish we could jump through a portal and go back to those days when it was just us.   It would be nice to enjoy that ‘specialness of newly wedded bliss’  with no responsibilities again. Now don’t go assuming that I regret having children because I don’t. Far from it.  I love…

  • Family,  home,  Parenting

    Women, Mothers and Metaphoric Hats

    Do you ever feel as though you wear too many hats? I’m not talking about real hats at the moment, I’m talking about those metaphoric ones the majority of us mums – women can relate too.   A mother’s role is incredibly complex, yet incredibly rewarding. I often wonder how strange it is that something can be both really wonderful AND really hard all at the same time. There is a never ending list of tasks to do, and never enough hours in the day or days in the week to get everything done.   I think the most frustrating part of my role is that the majority of jobs are re-occurring!  One must…

  • Family,  homeschooling,  values

    Bringing Balance back to Homeschooling

    The holidays are now a distant memory. Sadly! We’re heading towards the end of week 2 of term 3, and I can hardly believe that we are now in term 3, this year is flying by far too quickly. We had created a list of things we wanted to do over the holidays but sickness took us down. Instead, we spent the majority of the holidays at home. We did fit in a couple of movies at the Maroochy Cinema’s for the kids right at the beginning of the holidays before we became unwell. I endured the Minions movie and enjoyed ‘Inside Out’…The kids thoroughly enjoyed both the movies, and…