A More Balanced Life
A number of months ago we decided to start going to church again after 10 years of not going. We decided Calvary Christian Church would be our new home church.
It probably sounds a little weird to call a church ‘home’, but Calvary isn’t new to me, and I feel that it has that homely, right place – feel to me. I feel as though my life is more in balance when I go to church. Years ago, when I first moved to the Sunshine Coast, I started going to the church. Back then, it was called Buderim Mountain Assembly. I have a few friends still from that era of my life – pre-marriage and babies.
While I do consider those days the good old days, I do very much enjoy and like being apart of Calvary now.
While I like going on Sundays, I really love being apart of the women’s group that runs each week. I love how friendly and welcoming, not to mention good for me the women there are.
I must say that I did feel a little sad and mid-life ‘crisie’ for a few weeks when I realised I no longer fitted into the young adult age group. I remember having a great time living with my friends in Buderim, going to the youth group at the time, and doing crazy things like dress up parties, engagement parties, going out to the Bli Bli wetlands at night time to hang out on the pontoons and chat till late with the group we hung out with. There was always somewhere to go, and something to do socially in those days, and I really loved being apart of the group. Those were the days when I fitted work in around my social life. Those were the days I had time to do whatever I felt like doing…and it was good.
While it is nice to think about the good old times, the present is also wonderful, and the future is bright. One must keep walking forwards! One must not live in the past.
Now, don’t think for one moment I don’t like being married or raring our beautiful children. I do! I definitely want the life I have…I would just like to be younger, more carefree, healthier/slimmer and a little richer.
I like that there are many familiar faces at Calvary, and while we are older and wiser, we have a connection that holds strong.
I must say that I really enjoy ‘Girltime’ (the women’s group). I love that they always have someone friendly at the door to welcome us stragglers in. There is always something to look forward to, and the new people I have met over the last few months are so lovely.
Recently they had their ‘Girl time’ conference and women from all the other campuses attended. There were over 400 women who attended. Calvary has a campus in Cairns, Yeppoon, Rockhampton, Emerald, Townsville, Sunshine Coast, Gold Coast, and next year they will have one in East London, Africa.
There are so many things I love about ‘Girl time’ (the women’s group), but I have to say that I absolutely love their generosity. Each term they work on a project. Last term they raised money to buy as many copies of a book called ‘Jesse’, as they could, to give to women in hospital who have had a miscarriage or still birth. It’s an amazing book about hope, for women who have lost a little one. I was given a copy of this book from a friend many years ago when I had a miscarriage and found it so helpful. Reaching out to a woman at a time in their life when they have lost someone so precious to them, really makes them feel cared for.
This term we bought in items to fill as many baskets as we could to give to single mums in our church and community ‘just because’. I wasn’t able to go to the packing day this week, but I hear that there was a lot of chocolate involved. Single mums need to feel cared for by their local church. They often do it tough and are trying to fill two roles (mother and father) into one. Most of these baskets are going out into the community from the Calvary women’s group.
I really love being apart of a group that does things for other people. I love that Calvary has a heart for helping others in a practical way. Its really nice to be apart of a wonderful group of women that I call friends. We are doing life together and enjoying growing and moving forward together.
I may not be young enough to attend the young adults group any more, but I am a part of the group I am meant to be in – and that in itself feels good. I also love that there is a group for every member of our family in one way or another.
Do you belong to a group, if not, visit Calvary!