Taking Stock – November 2017
This month has been huge. I know I say it every month, but I find it crazy that we are in late November already. While it has been a massive year, and I feel the wear and tear of a challenging year, I cannot believe we are in November. Another year has literally flown by.
Cooking: Due to feeling over committed, I stuck to my old family favourites this month. I must say though that Christmas is coming, and my favourite Donna Hay Christmas recipe book is calling out to me “Pick me up! Pick me up!” My reply, “I’m coming, I’m coming!!”
Drinking : Soda water and lemon – I love it!
Reading: The Insanity of God: A True Story of Faith Resurrected, by Nik Ripken. We have no idea how lucky we are to live in a country where we can go to church freely. ‘The Insanity of God” has been an enlightening story of a family, who despite numerous challenges, helped bring the story of Jesus to many people throughout the world.
Trawling: November is not the month for trawling the inter web. Time is of the essence. Too much to do. Reporting is a big deal at this time!
Wanting: This month I just want to win the lottery. Money doesn’t necessary make things better….but you can certainly arrive at your problems with style. 🙂
Looking: Forward. Always forward. There is no other way to live – move forward!
Deciding: Oh my goodness. Buying Christmas presents for the family. The kids do not need much, despite their long lists, so we will probably buy according to the ‘Something to read, something to wear, and something to play with’ idea.
Wishing: Not sure if there is a point to wishing for things. You either want something and work toward it, or you dismiss it as not worth your effort.
Enjoying: Listening to the the audio bible with the kids. Listening to the audio bible is amazing as it brings the bible to life. The stories are incredible. ALSO EnJoyed a few days on the Gold Coast.
Liking: Church life!
Wondering: This mum gig is hard work, when does it get easier?! Does it ever get easier?
Loving: The recent Wonder Woman movie. There are so many amazing truths in that movie. I shall be watching it again over the school holidays!!!
Pondering: Life. God. Love. Family. Friendship. Purpose. Kids. My Mum, Our niece, our nephew, my inlaws, my sister in law. And the list goes on and on and on.
Listening: To my ‘everyday life music’ playlist on Spotify. The Happier with Gretchen podcast, The At Home with Sally Clarkson podcast, The Simple Show Podcast….just to name a few.
Considering: Growing avocados, as I am tired being ripped off at the supermarket. Any hints…please message me! I will need all the help I can get.
Buying: I have started our Christmas shopping! Outside of our immediate family – every person we need to buy for has a gift. Yay! 🙂
Watching: ‘When Calls the Heart’. Series 4 arrived on Netflix a few days into November, and I must say 12 episodes does not make a long enough series. ‘When calls the Heart’ was set in the early 1900’s in an old coal town. This show makes my heart happy. It’s a show with class and values. Very few shows these days have much class or hold many good values (if any).
Hoping: To catch up with friends for hot chocolate early December.
Marvelling: I feel I am a happier and calmer person when I go to church regularly.
Cringing: I got caught looking at twitter over the last few days. I can not believe how mean and hateful some people are online. I find it quite unsettling.
Needing: Early nights – I am my own worst enemy!
Questioning: Politicians. The way our world is being run? Why is it so hard for some people to do the right thing?
Smelling: Fresh linen – love!!!
Wearing: T-shirt and long denim shorts.
Noticing: Time passes far too quickly.
Knowing: The days are long, but the years are short. (Gretchen Rubin)
Thinking: About my niece and nephew, my niece got into uni to study Nursing – so proud of her! Also, being a better mum, being a better wife, how to take better photos, exercise, eating good food, blogging articles, church, friends, family members, my Aunt, DIY jobs we should tackle first, helping mum transition into her ’new normal’, my to-do list, things to do on the holidays with the kids, should I cut my hair, and when can I fit that in? (just a few things). A woman’s brain never rests apparently!
Admiring: The inspiring and wonderful women in my life.
Getting: A little organised for 2018. I’m trying to source as many of the kids text books prior to the holidays. This way I don’t have to think about this job at all over the holidays. Peace of mind is always a good thing.
Bookmarking: Natural skin care recipes, also articles on working with kids who have a learning issue called dysgraphia.
Opening: Bills, and mail about voting – yuck! The majority of politicians need to be pushed out of parliament and a new bunch of people with values need to be elected. We can only pray and choose wisely.
Closing: down tabs; unfollowing and unliking people, business and concepts that don’t align with my values, or what I want for our future. No issues – just time to move forward! A decluttering of life in a simple and direct manner. I’ve just started going through papers again, and clearing out unwanted clothes, books, dvds and games. It’s amazing how much we accumulate over the course of a year. ‘Keep what’s important and move the rest on’.
Feeling: Tired, but hopeful and looking forward to the holidays.
Celebrating: Family. Family comes first every single time.
Pretending: Organised. This is an area I feel that I fail at. I pretend to be organised. 🙂
Embracing: Life, love and my family. Also, The Flash, SuperGirl.
So here we are, a couple of days from December. What adventures will we have in December?!