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What do you want?

Has anyone ever asked you ‘what do you want in life?’
If so, did you stop and really think and consider the question? Did you answer the question?

What do you want?

I have been listening to a lot of Bob Goff videos lately. I love how Bob Goff talks, and how upbeat he is. He has a lot of really good advice on living life well, encourages us all to go on adventurous, and to find creative ways to be kind to the people in our lives, and those who live in our neighbourhood. He oozes happiness!

Bob Goff lives a big life. He is a lawyer, a philanthropist, a teacher, speaker and an author. If you can’t tell, I am a huge Bob Goff fan.

So, what do I want?

World peace, of course!!

These four little words, ‘what do I want’, are confronting. If I am going to be honest, I find answering this question difficult at this moment. The season I am in right now is bigger than me, and I find it difficult to dream bigger and know what I want when I feel overwhelmed. It’s easy to say out there kind of dreams like wanting a new home, a nicer car, lots of money, etc, but I believe the what do I want question requires us to be specific with detailing our thoughts regarding what we would like our lives to look like.

After thinking about the what do I want question for a while, I have come to believe it would be better to apply the question to the numerous aspects of our lives. If you are struggling to answer this question…feel free to copy down the questions.

What do I want for my faith walk?
What do I want for my marriage?
What do I want for our family?
What do I want to do for work?
What do I want for each of our kids – A, B, C, J
What do I want to for my health and fitness?
What do I want to do for fun?
What do I want to do for Adventure?
What do I want with regard to our home?
What do I want with regard to friendships?
What do I want to do to help somebody else?
What do I want our retirement to look like?
What do I want God to think about how I lived my life?

These questions are obviously more than what do I want for dinner, or what do I want for my birthday? These questions are about big picture thinking for our lives? The ‘what do we want‘ question makes us really think about specifics. It makes us think about our values, and why we want what we want? Knowing what we want helps us have a more deliberate life. I know I want to be more intentional in the big picture goals which means I really need to spend time figuring out these questions.

Below is a short video introducing the Dream Big course, which has been written and taught by Bob Goff. Feel free to have a look at it if you would like. I just thought you might be interested in hearing a little bit about what it is all about.


Let me know what you think of Bob Goff’s introduction video…

Chat soon,

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