That Sugar Film – a Kid Friendly Doco-movie
This week our family went to see, ‘That Sugar Film‘, and I have to tell you that it’s a doco-movie you must see. In fact, it’s a doco-movie you must see with your kids – and your partner! Its absolutely 100% family friendly. Its informative and it will help curb your children’s sugar addictions! We decided to take the kids to see ‘That Sugar Film‘, because one of the previews for the movie introduced viewers to 17 year old Larry, the boy who’s teeth were rotten from drinking Mountain Dew. We don’t drink Mountain dew in our house, but I wanted the kids to associate soft drinks with Larry’s teeth. Soft drinks are so…
Farewell 2014. Hello 2015
Happy New Year Everyone! Can you believe we’re in 2015, already? Life in our household has been full on since I posted last. December was a very busy month for our family – Our 13th wedding anniversary came and went, numerous end of year school events, Amy had her annual MRI and blood test for her CRMO issue, we had an awesome family holiday on the Gold Coast, fun Christmas family events, we welcomed our new nephew Max into the family, Christmas, a couple of birthdays, and now here we are – 14 days into the new year and this week we celebrated Jaden’s 4th birthday. I can’t believe he’s 4 – what…
Mischieviousmum does the 100 day challenge!
Its day three and boy have the last two days been challenging! I am one of those people who lives her life by flying by the seat of my pants. I tend to react to situations that arise rather than respond – something I really want to change. I have written many times about my plans for world domination, well, my goal to simplify my life and make time to relax and read, but sometimes its very hard to climb out of any rut. This is partly why I made the decision to start a 100 day challenge. The other part was that I felt inspired by…
Depression. Arthritis of the Soul
Yesterday as we learned of Robin Williams death, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about him or his family. I may not have known Robin Williams or his family personally, but I have met the numerous characters he has played across many television shows and movies. I grew up watching Mork and Mindy, Mrs Doubtfire, and so many other movies Robin Williams was apart of. He was a treasured member of the Disney family. Its hard for me to fathom a man with so much public charisma, feeling so depressed and anxious that his only answer to life is death. As news reports continue to cross our airways about his life…
Finding my sense of style. Check!
Are you a fan of the show Offspring? I wasn’t really a fan as such, until recently when I had the flu and was in desperate need of a television fix. There was nothing on at all so I turned to catch-up television online. All I wanted was something to watch to dull the flu symptoms, and so it was at this time that I stumbled across a couple of episodes of Offspring. While I don’t race to watch it when its on, I have since decided that I really like the main character Nina’s quirky personality. I also like her funky sense of style. Between you and me, I…
Find Out What your Body Type is
Recently, I reached the point where I could no longer contain the frustration I have been feeling toward my lack of results. As you know, I have been on a health journey – trying to lose weight, so that I can qualify for an operation I need to have to fix my tummy. Becoming a mother, the lack of a thyroid gland, and the busyness of life have not been kind to me. Unfortunately, the results are not favourable considering the months I have been working on it. Now, I must admit, it would be very easy to give up. However, that would mean I would be admitting…
Define your Mountain – is it a Physical or Metaphoric Mountain?
To reach any mountain top, one must climb. This post is not about a literal mountain climb, we all know that a physical mountain is of course possible to climb, and the reward for any mountain climb is the magnificent view from the top. The view from the top is breathtaking and spectacular. A person who achieves their mountain top can feel overwhelmed, excited to have achieved their goal, and may feel both encouraged and motivated to achieve other life goals along their journey. Thousands of people climb physical mountains, but we all climb metaphoric mountains in one way or another. There is a similarity between a metaphoric journey and…
Urgency in the heart, or is it just the pending Midlife Crisis?!
Its Monday. The First day of the second week of term 4 (2013). After today, our school year has 7 weeks and 4 days left for the year – not that I am counting! This week is also ‘week 43’ of the calendar year, and this means that we have 9 weeks and 5 days till the end of 2013. Before we know it, Christmas and January 2014 will be upon us. Isn’t this a sobering thought? Time is flying past far too quickly for my liking. I woke today feeling a sense of urgency in my spirit. I’m still trying to work out exactly what the…