Farewell 2014. Hello 2015
Happy New Year Everyone!
Can you believe we’re in 2015, already?
Life in our household has been full on since I posted last. December was a very busy month for our family – Our 13th wedding anniversary came and went, numerous end of year school events, Amy had her annual MRI and blood test for her CRMO issue, we had an awesome family holiday on the Gold Coast, fun Christmas family events, we welcomed our new nephew Max into the family, Christmas, a couple of birthdays, and now here we are – 14 days into the new year and this week we celebrated Jaden’s 4th birthday. I can’t believe he’s 4 – what happened to the last 4 years? Today Jaden’s kindy teacher mused that in exactly a years time we will be getting ready to start prep! A lump instantly formed in the back of my throat. I’m not ready for my little man to go to prep… I hope 2015 is a great year that happens to go slow and steady. I want to savour every moment with him.
I spent a lot of time last year organising our home, decluttering, and learning new ways to improve our family life and our health – particularly my health. While I have made improvements on all counts, I had hoped I would be a little healthier than where I am at this point in time – I have rationalised that disappointment out though, and I have reminded myself that getting healthy is a process. One doesn’t just become healthy. To obtain better health we must make better decisions, we must understand how our bodies work and learn to take notice when somethings not working properly.
This time last year I made the decision to change my medication from the synthetic thyroid replacement medication to the natural product called Armour Thyroid. I had to change doctors to do this and while my new doctor is open to natural and alternate treatment plans, over the last 8 months I realised that his understanding of hypothyroidism is limited. I made the decision to research hypothyroidism for myself and boy, I have been taken on quite a journey. For instance, did you know that there are approximately 500 symptoms to hypothyroidism, and health concerns such as insulin resistance and adrenal fatigue can be connected to hypothyroidism.
Through my research I learned what blood tests to ask for, and then I found that natural thyroid which contains a balance of T4, T3, T2 and T1, but they also need iron, selenium, vitamin D, magnesium and zinc. I have also learned that hypothyroid patients need to avoid gluten.
It seems as though I opened pandora’s box in 2014. I read everything I could get my hands on regarding hypothyroidism, adrenal fatigue and insulin resistance. Dr appointments have never been the same since. I kind of feel as little sorry for the guy. I come loaded with notes, questions and please explains.
When he calls my name I have noticed the fear in his eyes as he realises who his next patient is.
Ten minutes is simply not enough time to discuss the issues of hypothyroidism, adrenal fatigue and insulin resistance. It occurred to me recently as he looked back at me with the blank look of ‘I don’t know how to help you’, that we may have come to the end of our doctor/Sarah relationship. I think I may have outgrown Dr Pete. I have learned so much over the last year that I feel that I may have become the well informed annoying patient that every doctor dreads. Oops!
In the next couple of weeks I will be looking for an integrative doctor on the Coast who’s known to be well versed in hypothyroidism and endocrinology. I really need an expert in the field who understands my struggles and wants to help me. I am putting the action into dealing with my health issues.
Farewell 2014 and Hello 2015.
I was considering the idea of not writing down some 2015 resolutions, but then I thought about what I want the end of 2015 to look like, and so a few goal ideas started to freely come to me. So I thought I would share a few of my goals for the new year.
1. Find a intergrative wellness doctor on the Coast who understands my issues. I hear that there will be an integrative clinic will be opening in Tanawha in July. I hope to find somebody in the next month though.
2. Own my new gluten/wheat free/minimalistic lifestyle
3. Become more confident in the kitchen and become a little more adventurous with what we have for dinner.
5. Keep minimising our household clutter and organise our family paperwork.
6. Organise fun with friends more often.
7. Read all the books on the bookshelf.
8. Take more photos of our family.
9. Create more fun day opportunities with extended family members.
10. Make a list of all the DIY jobs that need doing around our home, and get them done.
11. Work on my app idea.
12. Write daily.
13. Always remain teachable; and
14. Encourage and help the kids to love learning.
15. Schedule time to Chill out!!
I think 2015 will be a great year. I have that zing in my step and optimism is in the air. The new year started well, but I would love to hear from you. Share with me some of your goals?
I’d love to hear some of your goals for 2015?
** Please always consult your doctor. Don’t solely rely on the information in personal blogs. The information I have found relates to my condition. Always bring information to your doctor for their approval for your situation.

Lovely goals Sarah. Sounds like it was a really big year for you last year. Also sounds like you’ve done some wonderful things for yourself too, which, as mums, we do have trouble finding the time to do. Great job on taking some time out to take care of you amongst the lovely busyness of taking care of your wonderful family. I really like the idea of no. 6! Let me know if I can help with that in any way. 😉
Krishna_Everson (@KrishnaEverson)
Hi Sarah, glad to see you’re back! I can’t help noticing that seems a lot! It really does show how much your family mean to you. I think you should add CHILLAX to your list. Be blessed. Krishna xxx
Hi Krishna! LOL I think I will add chillax to the list as you suggested! Its a rather important component really isn’t it! 🙂