Family,  family fun

A Little about Me.

Oops, time got away from me this month!   Its been quite a busy time here in our household.

A while back I came across a simple article by Kelly Exeter who writes a blog called, ‘A Life Less Frantic’.  Kelly’s article is called ‘The One Thing…’.  I decided to answer the questions for myself.  If your interested in doing the same please feel free.  🙂

IMG_0604The one thing …

The one thing I should do less often is:  I am learning to live in the present and not always dream about the greener grass on the other side of the fence. We are blessed right now – we have a good life right now.

The one thing I should do more often is: plan more fun for our family. Connecting with the kids is really important to us for long term family closeness, and one way to do this is through playing together….families who play together stay together.

The one thing that always makes me smile is: Reading with Jaden. He loves to cuddle up and have a story read to him.

The one thing that does my head in is: People who aren’t compassionate towards others.

The one thing I can do to make the world a better place is: Show Courage and be kind.

The one thing I need to remind myself is: “Rome wasn’t built in a day”.

The one thing I should do for myself right now is: To give myself a bedtime and stick to it.

The one thing I should say ‘no’ more often to is: Screen time.

The one thing I should say ‘yes’ more often to is: Time with each of the kids individually.


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