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September – The Love Month

Day 1 -September 2016
Day 1 -September 2016

September is my favourite month of the year!

Welcome to September – the month of sunshine and happiness!

Our moderate-mostly-warm-Winter has gone, and Spring has come around again.  The days are becoming longer, the birds are chirping, and the flowers are starting to burst and bloom with colour.  There is a sense of excitement in the air, and I know its all because Spring has arrived.  I think the best way to describe this feeling I have is that I feel my soul is rejoicing – Spring has arrived!

Its a great time of year for so many reasons.

1. Warmer Weather.

Spring means the weather is warming up and jumpers can be put away.   No more freezing mornings.   The beach is calling our names and we are looking forward to spending time there. I’m getting organised for some serious Spring bbqs either at home or down at the beach.   Why do sausages taste better on a bbq at the beach?

2. Spring and optimism go together.

Spring makes me happy.  It makes me feel as though anything is possible.   I feel hopeful and I think that is a good thing for any woman and mum to feel.

3. Another excuse for a Spring Clean

If you know me, you know that I love to declutter.  Spring is a wonderful time to freshen up and get excited about our homes.

4. September –  Time to check on your New Years Resolutions.

Everyone looks on January as the time to make New Years decisions, but September is also a good time too look at your goals and desires.  Its the other New Years.  As we come out of winter into a fresh new season, its good to relook at our life goals and consider whether some of these goals are still applicable and move forward.

5.  September holidays are coming

In a few weeks the holidays will be here.   September holidays are exciting.   Swimming, beach time, bbqs at the beach, just to name a few things.    September holidays are also about t-shirts and shorts, and lots and lots of colour!

6.  September is all about being outside and enjoying life

The beautiful Spring weather means getting outside and enjoying the environment.   Whether your outside at home in the yard, on the trampoline, in the pool, or your at a playground, its wonderful to be outside taking in the suns natural vitamin D.     Why be inside when you can be outside!

7.  Spring Fashion

The warmer weather means fun, colourful clothes and shoes.   It means yellows and oranges.   Fruit salad and yoghurt.   Spring is a wonderful time of the year.

8.  Spring is about love

Forget Valentines day in February.   September is the season of love.   It’s a season of renewal and a time of connection with family and friends.

I could keep rambling on about how wonderful Spring is but I’ll stop and encourage you to tell me what you love about Spring.

This month a friend of mine and I are doing a #30photosin30days challenge.   My overall goal is to blog more often.  So if you would like to take part, please use the hashtag and enjoy.



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