Taking Stock – August 2017
I’m not quite ready to say good bye to August, but that seems to be out of my control. I will say though that I am pretty thrilled with the idea that as I publish this post, it will only be a few hours till we can say hello to Spring. Spring is absolutely my favourite season of the year, and I am not exactly sure how to hide my enthusiasm.
So lets get started…
Making : Art is an important subject in our homeschooling life. Over the last week we have been attempting to paint rocks using mandala techniques. Lets just say that we need to do a lot more practicing….we might need a few more tools! 🙂
Cooking : I have been watching Donna Hay’s ‘Basics and beyond’ DVD, I love having cooking DVDs on when I am cleaning up around the house, or chilling out. She makes cooking look so easy!
Drinking : Lemon and Soda water.
Reading: This month I have been reading ‘The Sacrament of Happy” by Lisa Harper, and loving it! I’m taking it slow because I really don’t want it too end!
Trawling: The library catalogue online! I am trying to save a little time ….not sure it will work as I love to browse the library – one should never hurry in a library!! I have also been looking at gumtree and online catalogues for a new dining set.
Wanting: Nothing specific, but if you could turn back time – I would probably do that. I have spent a little time this month looking at some photos of the kids from when they were little and I would like to visit that time again.
They are all gorgeous but look at this!!!
Looking: At homes on realestate.com.au. I’m looking for back yard inspiration.
Deciding: On English curriculums for Bethy. There isn’t a straight forward ‘one size fits all’ kind of curriculum for her at this moment. It’s not a problem as we are sorting it out and she is a lot happier for it. Thank goodness there is five months till the start of the new school year. I still have time to figure that one out.
Wishing: I’d win the lottery – I already know what I would do with the money!
Enjoying: Lots of things. Friends, family, food, church, Girltime, showers, reading, writing, walking on the beach, hanging out at Mooloolaba, putting my feet in the sand at the beach, movies, taking photos, home schooling at the beach, op shopping, learning….the list goes on!
Waiting: Not really waiting for anything or anyone. I like feeling content in my life!
Liking: We took the kids to see the Marvel exhibition down in Brisbane at the Gallery of Modern arts (South Brisbane) earlier this month. I went along thinking that I was doing it for my family – I’ve never really gotten into the whole superhero thing, but I must say that I thoroughly enjoyed the exhibition and I have agreed to watch some of the movies – I know, Amazing!!!
Loving: Chilling out with family and friends. Went to our church’s womens conference this month, and my new desk. I feel I have a place in the house I can go and work on my little projects.
Pondering: The simple things in life, and how little we need in our lives to be happy.
Listening: My playlists on Spotify, Happier with Gretchen Rubin podcast, a homeschooling podcast called ‘your morning basket’. Focus on the Family podcasts
Considering: Options and ideas!
Buying: Only what we need….outside of food, we don’t really need much. My kids think differently of course!
Watching: I wasn’t going to tell you that I have been watching a little Batchy! The Batchelor. It’s such a strange premise for a program. I am so wondering why the majority of the relationships don’t work after the show?? (sarcasm). Truthfully, it is probably one of the worst shows on television. We cancelled our Netflix subscription last month and it really was the best decision. It was fun for a couple of months, but it was time to move on.
Hoping: For great things in this next season of life – Love spring!
Marvelling: All my kids are worth marvelling over…and believe me when I say that I do! Today, though, I am going to tell you about how awesome our third daughter is. She loves creating. She is always creating, and making things. Over the last few weeks, she’s has been making barbie clothes. Here is a photo of the barbie clothes she made for the barbies that live at Nannies.
Cringing: Not cringing – standing strong in my truth.
Needing: Holidays!!
Questioning: Why do people get their knickers in a twist over really small issues! I have been pondering this question over the course of this month. I have decided the only reason – they must like to wear uncomfortable underwear!
Smelling: Orange and lavender essential oils. I really love essential oils!
Wearing: Clothes!
Noticing: It’s been a strange winter. It’s been very warm with only a few cold days.
Knowing: God is good! People make crazy decisions that result in crazy consequences.
Trouble-shooting: Thyroid medication issues!
Thinking: About wanting a weekend on the Gold Coast again. I Love it down there!!!
Admiring: People who are passionate about what they are doing in their lives! I find that so inspiring.
Bookmarking: Art activities for the kids, help for homeschooling mums, writing prompts, year one homeschooling ideas to help J.
Opening: Amy’s year 9 maths book
Closing: Amy’s year 9 maths book. Thank God for teachers we can call upon in times of math anxiety!
Feeling: Happy, content
Dreaming: Holidays on the Gold Coast, possible over seas trips to visit friends and family in the States and maybe Europe, life purpose, a life where you can eat as much chocolate as you want and there are no negative consequences! (It’s my dream!)
Until then I will see as many sunrises as I can….
Hearing: Listening to the kids chat about about Marvel – we apparently are a Marvel family these days, but we also like DC. DC is Supergirl, Superman, Flash, Wonder Woman, Batman, Aquaman, the Green lantern etc.
Celebrating: Hubby and mum had birthdays this month. We had a family catch up at the Dicky Beach Surf Club, and took the kids to see the Marvel exhibition at GOMA – so much fun! 🙂
Pretending: To know what I am doing!
Embracing: Life, family and friends.
And that’s a wrap!
I’m so excited about Spring coming!