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Toy Challenge for the toy challenged Public Hospitals of Australia

With our eldest daughter needing to stay at the Children’s ward at both Nambour Hospital and also the Royal Children’s hospital in Brisbane we have become quite accustomed to the boredom that comes with staying in hospital.    While we have been treated very well, at both Nambour and Brisbane,  the Royal Children’s hospital offers more options for the children.   If the children are of school age, patients and siblings are welcome to use the school on site.   If children are well enough for school, but unable to attend the school teachers roam the hallways of the wards.   The Wonder Factory is open outside school hours and on weekends — The Wonder Factory is a wonderful service, offering games, craft and entertainment to families who need to use the services at the hospital.

Its a very long day, waiting around the ward for the next thing to happen.  Busy children are happy children, and busy children are well behaved children.  How do you keep a child busy – you entertain them and how do you entertain them?  You give them toys to play with and things to do.

The children’s wards all have a play room, filled with many toys,   there are Wii consoles and playstation 2 consoles, but many of the games no longer work.     Each bed station, particularly in the McConnell Ward are set up with televisions and playstation consoles, and many of these consoles don’t work.

Its one thing for these kids to be away from home – in hospital, away from their friends and other family.  But its also hard on them not being able to play with their things and being limited in where they can go.  Remember its not a holiday for these families being in hospital…its purely out of necessity that they are there!  is the link to help direct your unwanted toys and or money to donate.   Remember that the children’s hospital caters for kids up to the age of 16 so its important to not forget these kids.

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