Taking Stock – February 2017
What an awesome month!
We may have had many over the top hot days, but I must say that I have really enjoyed this month. January was all about getting organised for 2017, so I decided the start of February was the perfect time to action my massive list of goals for the new year. By doing so, I feel as though I tricked myself into avoiding ‘I have already failed my new year goals’ thinking.
So here we are at the end of February – The very last day of Summer, I thought it would be a good idea to do another ‘Taking Stock – February 2017’ piece.
Making: Very yummy Cheesy Polenta Muffins with tomatoes, zucchini, bacon and optional olives.
Cooking: Left over Spaghetti Bol. Yum!!
Drinking: Cold soda water with a splash of lemon and ice.
Reading: ‘Born for this’ and ‘The Art of Non-Conformity’ by Chris Guillebeau.
Trawling: Through Netflix – So many things to watch but what do I really want to spend my time watching? Also trawling Pinterest – cleaning up my boards, finding school related tools, bucket list ideas, writing prompts, and tips on home DIY and home organisation.
Watching: Secretly, between you and me, I got hooked on ‘Married at First Sight’ this year. Oh my goodness, I feel the intelligence draining out of me when I watch this – but it’s one of those train wreck shows I don’t want too see – but I want to see who stays together, or at least what happens in the end. I can’t be the only one watching!?
Wanting: A coffee night with friends!
Looking: For fun and educational excursion ideas for the kids. We took the kids to the Maleny Dairy farm last week and really enjoyed the tour. If you want to see the cows getting milked go at the 2.30 session as the cows get milked at 5am and 3pm.
Deciding: Whether to hang out washing or clean up the kitchen – both are jobs needing to be done right now!
Buying: An 18th birthday gift for my niece and a gift for our nephew who turns 15 this week.
Wishing: I could wave my hand over the rooms in our house, and they all become instantly clean.
Enjoying: Seeing the beach every day and taking photos.
Waiting: Not really waiting on anything! I’m quite content.
Liking: Early morning walks – trying to choose a different beach each day. 🙂 I am going to drag the family up to Noosa on the weekend.
Loving: Taking photos of the beach each day. I love sunrise photos.
Listening: ‘Happier with Gretchen’ podcast, ‘The Side Hustle’ podcast by Chris Guillebeau, ‘Straight and Curly’ by Carly Jacobs and Kelly Exeter, ‘the Simple Show’ by Tsh Oxenreider.
Considering: How to action a few things on my list of things I want to get done this year.
Hoping: That walking everyday is actually making a difference?!
Marvelling: At how fast a day, a week and a month can go!
Cringing: At the ‘I’m a Celebrity, Get me out of here!’ ad. Worst show on television.
Needing: A day to myself!
Questioning: Why Malcolm Turnbull uses his 15 minutes of media time each day to tell us how much he detests Bill Shorten?….Shouldn’t he spend his time wisely promoting what he and his party are doing for Australia? Why focus on the other team!?
Smelling: Beautiful lavender essential oil coming from my diffuser. Yum!
Wearing: My active wear – Soooo comfy!
Noticing: Life is so much better walking early in the mornings.
Knowing: Life is short. Tick things off on your bucket list. Create memories with your family kids.
Thinking: About dinner and not wanting to do anything about it….but if I don’t the kids will have a really late night and I will be frustrated with myself for not getting dinner on at an earlier time.
Admiring: My morning photos from my walks. I love photography.
Getting: Itchy feet…..I would love to do some travelling. I want to explore places like Finland and Norway.
Bookmarking: Recipes, life hacks, health content, education related topics, and anything else I find interesting
Disliking: How time goes so fast.
Opening: A party invitation – such fun!
Closing: Down subscriptions to emails I never read, and facebook pages I don’t really care about. So freeing!
Feeling: Is it holiday time yet?
Hearing: The chatter and giggles of our children hanging out together.
Celebrating: Life and simplicity.
Pretending: To be organized – if only I really was!
Embracing: Family, friends, life and moments.
I wonder what March will bring? Xo