Happy Mother’s Day!
A Mum’s life is never boring. A Mum’s life is a life of love, and lots of laundry.
I love being a mum, and there are so many facets of motherhood that I thoroughly enjoy. I’m not so keen on the ‘CEO of household duties‘ part of my life, but most Mums don’t have maids or housekeepers to come in and breeze through our homes with spray and wipe, and clean up after us all. It would be nice to have more time to just ‘be and play’ with our kids more often, plan and take adventures, and not have to make time to get the jobs done. The reality is that women have a lot on our plates and we need to pack a lot into our day to keep our households functioning well, and our families looked after. One of the complaints I have with regard to my CEO position, is that I feel I always have to think ahead all the time – what’s next? What are we having for dinner? When does Beps work next? What ungodly time do I have to get up to take her to work? What time do I have to leave to get where I am going on time? The list is massive and never ending!
We have been very fortunate throughout this isolation time with regard to hubby’s job and Bep’s apprenticeship. Both have kept their jobs and while hubby works from home these days, Bep’s hours are only slightly less than normal. I get the impression she is proving her worth in her work place. I am a proud mumma bear.
Motherhood has forced me to become deliberate and intentional in so many areas of my life. As soon as we get used to one season of our lives with our kids, it’s finishing up and we find ourselves heading into a new season. These seasons force us to grow, and we are forced to get comfortable with being uncomfortable with whatever issue arises.
Many years ago friends would say, ‘Enjoy this time, the teenage years are crazy and chaotic’. At the time I couldn’t fathom how my life could be busier. These days, I can put that advice into perspective. Life with toddlers was incredibly busy at the time, however, now that three out of four kids are in their teenage years, I can honestly say that my mum life is busier in many respects now, than when the kids were little. I miss the little people they were, but too be honest, I really like the people my kids are growing into, so while I miss them being small, I am really happy with being where we are now. I love that we no longer have nappies or toilet training issues, prams, or car seats to worry about. It is bittersweet though because my kids were gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous little people – I know I am biased (I’m okay with that)!
I have decided that motherhood is busy no matter what season or stage we are in. Motherhood-sanity is about growing into each season as quickly and as smoothly as we can. The more we fight the transition, the harder it will be for us and our families. This is where we have to get comfortable with being uncomfortable. Let’s face it, motherhood isn’t always pretty, and what we have to deal with at times is nothing but hard work. I have come to realise that it’s better for the kids if we can move through the transitions with them. Obviously there are things we need to say no to, and we need to discipline them when needed, but for the most part we can work things out to walk beside our kids.
Motherhood is the best experience of my life in so many ways, and on Sunday, we get to celebrate ‘MUMS’ with it being ‘MOTHERS DAY’. I just want to wish you all a very Happy Mothers Day!