Taking Stock – December 2020
I was so excited for December to come this year. It has been quite the year in so many ways. Sadly, December came and disappeared very quickly. However, our December was a great month for so many reason. Our family went away to the Gold Coast for one of our best holidays ever. We thoroughly enjoyed our time away together. We celebrated the kids finishing school for the year, and we celebrated our eldest finishing her advanced diploma. We found out that she was one of three who actually graduated with her qualification. Her other classmates must need to resubmit certain assessment pieces before they can move forward to receiving their qualifications.
So, here we go….Taking Stock – December 2020!
Making: This month I finished and was able to pick up my pottery from the pottery class some friends and I took last month. Now, I know its got some bumps and imperfections, but this is my very first creation I have ever made. I have always believed that we are all in one way or another creative, but I have never given myself the opportunity or time to investigate what my creative joy might be. I have always wanted to try my hand at pottery, and so with a little courage, a couple of friends and I decided to organise a class. I had never done anything like this before, and now after a couple of classes I am really looking forward to doing some more in the new year. Pottery is a very calming and therapeutic art – something I have decided to do more of in my life.

Cooking: December is the month of bbq’s, salads, Turkey, Christmas ham, fluffy roast potatoes, and vegetables!
Sipping: Soda Water and lemon
Reading: ‘Get your Life Back’, by John Elderedge. I started this at the end of November, and have been slowly getting through it. Also reading the Naked Communist. The Naked Communist is about the sneaky ways Marxists are trying to change our society to become more and more communist. Its incredible to think anyone would want communism to be a way of life.
Looking: Forward to catching up with family and friends! Always!!!
Listening: Lauren Daigle, Francesca Battistelli, Charlie Kirk podcast, Christmas carols, Elizabeth Johnstons ‘Activist mommy’ audio book.
Wishing: To go back to holidays on the Gold Coast.
Enjoying: Pottering around at home getting things organised for the new year! Going to the beach, hanging out with hubby and the kids. I have been blessed beyond measure with the family I have.
Eating: Mangos! Loving fresh mangos.
Liking: ‘The minimal mom’ youtube channel.
Loving: Holiday mode.
Buying: Christmas presents and food!
Watching: Christmas movies, of course!
Hoping: For an amazing 2021, Covid free year.
Wearing: Clothes!
Following: The American Election. Still!
Noticing: The back to school sales started too soon after Christmas. I’m not ready for the onslaught of back to school ads! I’ve decided to stop watching commercial tv!
Sorting: One does not sort in December! 🙂
Getting: Organised for the new year – but refusing to acknowledge the back to school sales.
Bookmarking: Recipes, bucket list ideas, goals, 2021 ideas, pottery ideas and skills, bedroom ideas, storage ideas, decluttering and organisation etc.
Feeling: Happy!
Lowlight: Coming home from our Gold Coast holidays, and also the difficulty in finding what to buy for our two older girls for Christmas.
Highlight: Family holidays. Vapianos Italian restaurant in Surfers Paradise, the Surfers Paradise markets, Christmas with family x 2, getting my haircut, time with some friends, our church Christmas show, memories made over the holidays. Amy’s end of year/course showcase at Noosa.
Hopes for next month: World Peace! I am allowed to dream!! 🙂
Well there you go! We packed a lot into December. Overall it was a great month, only a couple of minor issues to deal with namely Christmas presents, but we got there in the end. We celebrated Christmas with family, had a wonderful holiday and ended the school year with style.
This ‘December – Taking Stock 2020’ is officially the last ‘Taking Stock’ article for the year. I think we all need to pat ourselves on the back for getting through this last twelve months. It truly has been a crazy year in so many ways. 2020 forced us to open our minds and become more aware of what is going on around us. There is an awakening happening, where more and more people are becoming aware of what is going on politically in America and also Australia. Who knows what our world will look like in 2021, but I have hope, despite the politics of the day.
I haven’t yet decided whether I will do Taking Stock 2021, or whether or not I will change it up a bit for the coming year. I will decide very soon. I would like to do so much more with mischieviousmum.com, and I’m sure if I put more time into it, it could be so much more than what it is right now.
Happy New Year to you all!
Chat soon,