
A Little Catch Up

We have just left the fun and familiarity of October, and we are now 6 days into November. 2022 is not slowing down, but getting faster as we head into the end of year activities. There is still time to achieve a few ’22 for 2022′ goals, but to do so means that time is of the essence . A few ideas will need to go on next years ’23 for 2023′ list. There are a few ideas I dropped from this year due to a lack of resources or changes in terms to our priorities. I know it’s the eleventh hour in many respects, and this has been an enormous year in so many ways, however, I am determined that we will not leave 2022 with the best thing about the year being that we got new toilets! Although, I will say that it is nice to have new toilets!

Whats been happening in our world this year?

One of the main objectives for this year was to help Beps move her apprenticeship to a new bakery, and we thankfully achieved this goal at the end of September. She has two assessments left, and then she will be a qualified baker/pastry chef! Not bad considering she will be qualified 5 months shy of turning 19! All I can say is THANK GOD!! The second Beps objective for the year was to keep working on her driving hours so we can say ‘goodbye, and sayonara’ to having to drop her off at work in the wee hours of the morning….3am starts! We aren’t quite at the 100 hours yet, but we are creeping towards the goal. Hubby and I are planning ‘a private no kids allowed parental dinner celebration’ when she gets her licence. I have picked the restaurant! It’s been an incredibly hard 4 years of 1am and 3 am shifts.

Our youngest daughter is a few weeks away from completing year 11, and has decided to run for School Captain, so, as you can imagine we are having lots of discussions in our household about where she is at, and whats next on the agenda. Apparently the next step is that the students get to vote, the teachers vote, and then on presentation night in two weeks time, the announcement of who will become the Girl and Boy 2023 School Captains will be made along with their team. A couple of weeks ago, Nell, had to speak in front of the entire high school and teachers, and go for an interview with the Principal and Deputy Principal. I am hearing through the grapevine that despite her nerves she did quite well. This quite little girls has a habit of surprising me!

Another development for Nell is that she was asked by her gymnastics coach to do the Cert II in gymnastics coaching , and will start this over the holidays. One of her goals is to become a gymnastics coach, so to see her achieve the training for this goal will be exciting. She is also excited to learn the prepL program to get her L plates. This will mean that hubby and I will be on our third year in a row of teaching our kids to drive. Am I ready for three kids on the road? Not really, I am still getting used to Ames having her licence! Thank God there is a 4 year difference between the two youngest!

Our youngest is a few weeks away from finishing primary school. I can’t believe Jj is heading into middle school. I know he will be fine, but all kids adapt to change differently, and it is a big step going from year 6 to year 7. The only thing I am concerned about regarding the jump from year six to year seven is the difficulty in math.

Our eldest is enjoying her job. She works for a boutique graphic design agency on the Coast and really enjoys her work. Ames recently turned 20, so she is no longer a teenager! It’s strange to think of her as an adult, but I am getting used to it slowly. I know its not about me, but I admit that I struggle a little to think my babies are growing up, then I realise how many things they can actually do for themselves and suddenly I feel relieved!

I am getting excited about 2023. I have something already in the works for 2023, which I am looking forward too. I will tell you about that in the new year! In the mean time it’s fun to think what 2023 might look like. What kind of fun can we add into our lives next year? Nell is already talking about her formal at the end of year 12. I’m thankful it is at the end of year 12. Leaving the homeschooling life this year has been good for us all. I don’t have any regrets in terms of homeschooling, but I am glad we have moved into the next season of our lives. The kids are blossoming in their lives, I have been working on my health, and my general wellbeing, alongside getting my house in order.

Hubby is doing well. He has been going bike riding with his mates and getting fit. He had a health scare a few months ago, but after a number of tests and a biopsy, he was given the all clear. Thank GOD!!

My Aunty Maeve used to say ‘life happens while you are making plans’. The older I get, the more realise this statement is true. We can plan all we like, but at the end of the day, life has a habit of making changes to our plans, or helping our plans along. We can have the best of intentions in our planning, but we will never know what circumstances, life challenges, or good things will come along and change some or all of our plans. In saying this, it is still important to plan and have a vision for our year, because we know that without vision, people perish!

Till next time,

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