The Christmas Jars Movie
It’s December! December is one of the busiest months of the year – Family and friends catch ups, Christmas events, holidays, celebrations, preparing for Christmas and Christmas movies.
We love Christmas movies. Last year we enjoyed ‘The Christmas Chronicles’ on Netflix, and while I hear there is a second instalment to ‘The Christmas Chronicles’ now out on Netflix, we are no longer subscribers to the service. This year, we opted to see a movie called ‘The Christmas Jars’.
I thoroughly enjoyed it, and it is a movie that I look forward to seeing again next year, and I did need a few tissues, but it was lovely and heartwarming in so many ways. Just like the movie ‘Home Alone’, I am pretty sure I will be putting ‘The Christmas Jars’ movie into my yearly must do Christmas movie collection. I am going to put this movie into my top 10 Christmas movies you have to watch over the Christmas period.
Check out the preview to see what you think.
Kindness and Christmas go hand in hand. The Christmas Jar idea is a lovely way to bless another person or family particularly in a time of need. It‘s anonymous, unexpected, and the person feels as though they have received a miracle at a time when they feel low and unsure about the future.
If you get a chance to see this movie, I am sure you will enjoy it. Bring some tissues.
Chat soon,