Taking Stock – November 2020
Far out brussell Sprout! I’m not sure how we got here, but I feel as though I have just done the most almighty slide through to the end of November. It’s been a crazy month with a few very unexpected events, reporting, Ames finished her Tafe Advanced Diploma course, and hubby had to fly up to Mackay to help his parents come home. I decided to spend some time cleaning up my social media platforms, and change the way I use social media, along with a few other huge end of year happenings. Here we are at the end of November wondering how we are going to fit everything we want an need to do into December.
Myer’s ‘Happy Christmas ad’ gave us a laugh, so I decided to link it onto my blog to share. I think everyone feels as though this year has gone far too quickly. Covid stopped us in our tracks with all the shutdowns – I feel as though Christmas is the opportunity to push as many of the life events that we missed into this particular festive time of year before we can wave goodbye to 2020 a week later.
So here we go. Taking Stock – November 2020.
Making: We went back and glazed our pottery! I’m looking forward to picking it up, we are now waiting for the kiln to do its thing. Kerry is going to let us know when it is ready to pick it up. I’m interested to see how it turns out because I forgot how many layers of glaze I put on my dish, and I have a feeling I glazed some areas more than others, because the pottery literally ate the glaze as I put it on. It was fun chatting with friends and doing pottery. We can’t wait to go back next year for more classes.
Cooking: Lots of salad with a protein.
Sipping: Soda water, lemon and ice!
Reading: ‘Not on my Watch!” by Activist Mum Elizabeth Johnston.
Looking: Forward to spending time with family and friends over the holidays.
Listening: Salt 106.5fm.
Wishing: For a working magic wand! 🙂
Enjoying: Stolen moments of time on my own down at the beach. This gives me pockets of time to think about life and issues that arise without the busyness and distractions of family life.
Liking: This time of the year. Although we have had some hot days.
Loving: The post reporting glow. Every semester we have a day with our teacher who goes through all our work over the semester. I always feel stressed leading up to reporting day, but then after the reporting event I feel like the weight of the world falls off my shoulders.
Buying: I started buying Christmas gifts. I didn’t get far due to 2 car registrations, a water bill and a car service, but I am happy I have started. Christmas is a very special time of the year, and we should all keep our inner childhood excitement with regard to Christmas, along with our faith in why we celebrate Christmas.
Watching: The US election.
Hoping: World Peace!
Needing: The school holidays!
Wearing: Clothes!
Following: Actually this month has been about the great unfollowing. I have been cleaning up my social media accounts and unliking/unfollowing things that I actually don’t care about. Close Friends and family stayed, but I have applied some caveats to how I will do social media from now on. Less is more.
Noticing: My little boy is getting taller. He’s grown a lot over the last few months.
Sorting: I have spent some time cleaning up the garage. There are some people in our household that take things off the shelves and then put them on the table in the garage.
Saving: For Christmas!
Bookmarking: I have spent time bookmarking and sending design ideas to my eldest who has been under the hammer with her final assessments.
Feeling: Tired!
Hearing: The Trampoline Springs. Nell is always on the trampoline flipping and bouncing.
Lowlight: November has been incredibly busy. I am really tired and in need of a break.
Highlight: We put the Christmas tree up early this year. Normally we don’t put it up till the 1st December, but this year we thought we need to make the christmas last a little longer, so we are.
Also, Ames finished her Advanced Diploma in Graphic design. I’m a very proud Mumma bear! Its Onward and Upward From here – lookout 2021!!
Next month is the very last month of the year. I can’t believe the year we have had, but I am also very hopeful for what 2021 will bring us all. Till next time, Love and best wishes. Have a Merry Christmas.
Chat soon,