Taking Stock – April 2017
Another Month has come and gone! We are travelling through 2017 far too quickly! As much as I would love time to stand still for a moment – it can’t, and it never will. We have to work out how to adapt and work with time! Make time work for us instead – if you figure out how to do this, please let me know. 🙂
So here is April’s Taking Stock recount!
Cooking: Trying to do bulk meals that I can freeze at the moment. I feel more organised when I cook in bulk. Also healthy muesli bars for the kids.
Drinking: Soda Water and lemon.
Trawling : Sites to help my youngest learn to read. Found an awesome one today called www.spelfabet.com.au. Lots of free resources!!! I love free resources!!! 🙂
Wanting: More down time. Weekends go far too quickly.
Reading: A book called ‘Hiding in the Light’ by Rifqa Bary. A real-life story of a woman who was raised Islamic and decided to become a Christian.
Looking: For well priced avocados….seriously $2.90 at Woolies at the moment – that is what I call, Criminal!!!
Deciding : What to write on my blog next. What to do? What to do??
Wishing: For a new thyroid – if only!! I’m just a bit over not having a thyroid – it’s so frustrating! Grrrr
Enjoying : Decluttering our home and getting organised for the cooler months. Hygge season is on its way!! Cosy blankets, soup, books, movies, candles, essential oils, jeans and sweaters, cosy socks and our fake fire place heater.
Liking: Sausage sizzles at the beach! 🙂
Wondering: If I should make an apple cake. I kind of want to…
Loving: Pottering around at home, because it just makes me feel anchored, AND, loving my family. Of course.
Pondering: What to do about a few of Life’s complex issues.
Listening: My spotify playlist, Straight and Curly podcast, Happier with Gretchen Rubin podcast, photography youtube channels.
Considering: What DIY jobs we need to do and which one we should actually tackle first.
Buying : Just the necessities – I don’t really want or need anything.
Watching: I love powerful movies or shows that leave an imprint on me. Deep and meaningful. I also love that show called ‘Fixer Upper’ on a Sunday and Wednesday evening on channel 94 – the free to air lifestyle channel. When I can I love watching my Donna Hay dvd’s….cooking inspiration.
Baking: Snacks such as healthy muesli bars – its good to know exactly what goes into them.
Hoping: To hear good news! Anything really??! I just feel like some good news.
Marvelling : At how good I feel arriving at Mooloolaba at 5.30 am in the morning to meet my friend for a walk. I can’t get over how many people are up and out on a Monday morning.
Cringing: I will always cringe when Malcolm Turnbull is being interviewed. He makes me feel sick.
Needing: Time to read, chill out, write, and think.
Questioning: My friend who thinks swimming at the beach in July is a good idea!! Does she not know me!! 🙂
Smelling: Essential oils… Orange and lavender – calming and sweet.
Wearing: T-shirt and tracky dacks.
Noticing: Life goes far too quickly. Next month will be the 7th year my dad has been gone.
Knowing: No matter what – God is in control.
Thinking: About life and what my purpose in life is?
Admiring: My sister in law who had surgery on her shoulder last week.
Bookmarking : Online phonic games for Jaden, and art activities for the kids.
Pinning: Weight loss, photography theory, recipes, art projects, Hygge homes, bucket list ideas, family fun ideas, birthday present ideas, blog ideas, things that make me happy.
Disliking : People who bully others online, AND people who think its okay to hurt others.
Opening: Bills! ew!!!
Closing: Blinds in the evening to warm up our home.
Feeling : Tired AND over feeling blah
Hearing : Listening to music and podcasts that are uplifting
Celebrating : I spent a day in the garage over the holidays and decluttered. Over the weekend we hired a trailer from Bunnings and did a dump run. I know I am strange – but decluttering and getting rid of the clutter makes me really happy. I can’t stop smiling when I go into the garage and see less clutter and more organisation! Yay for me!
Pretending : To be organised!!
Embracing : A change in season!
And there you have it. We are on the tail end of April, and I have already started thinking about May. I would love to hear what you have gotten up to in April. 🙂

One Comment
Thanks for commenting Jo. I totally agree – time is traveling far too quickly. We have to simplify our lives and stop blinking. My kids grow when I blink. 🙂 LOL No more blinking for me. xo