Mothers Day. A Day for Mums. A Day for Me.
Mothers day 2014, was a good day.
My day started out rather strangely. I woke up to Jaden sitting on my face. He lost his balance when he bounced on my bed. Thank God I don’t sleep on my back – it could have been more awkward than it was. It wasn’t the gentle wake up I was hoping for this mothers day, but it still turned out to be a nice day.
I had told hubby to save our money this year. I don’t really need anything, and I have started decluttering our home again – so while gifts are nice and do play a part in how we show love, I was really happy to keep this mothers day simple. There’s really nothing I need or want at this moment – except for ‘time’, but I think we all feel a little time poor.
The girls were also really excited about mothers day. They had bought some little gifts at their school P&F mothers day stall on Friday, and had also made some little gifts in class. The thought was nice. Treasured memories. My underwear draw is going to smell very lavendarish – 3 lots of lavender sachets. I was very thankful to see a little chocolate in the mix. Hubby scored the coffee – only because I don’t drink coffee. I definitely wanted chocolate after waking up to Jaden’s bottom in my face. It was amazing that all three girls went to the mothers day stall at different times of the day with their classes, but all three girls bought the same gifts, except for one, Amy had lovingly bought me an old ladies tea towel. You know, one of those floral beauties that you can button to your oven door?!
I had secretly hoped there was going to be a Sanity weekend for one at Noosa – for $5 (It was a school mothers day stall – nothing over $5). What I loved most about the morning was that each one of the kids were genuinely excited about Mothers Day. They really wanted to please me. I put on my ‘I love breakfast in bed face’ for the well and truly under cooked ‘made-with-love’ grilled egg hats’ Bethy made. The best part of the breakfast was the fresh juice. It was a little reminder that Heston (Heston’s Feasts) and I need to create a few more opportunities for the kids to learn to cook.
We spent the morning at home, and the afternoon at Golden Beach. The kids are all riding bikes now, so are all very keen to get out on the bikes as often as possible. The pathway along the beach is wide and mostly flat for the beginner bike rider (Chanel). Playgrounds are respite stops for the weary three year old with the attention span of 10 minute intervals. I have to admit that I feel as though we as a family have turned a corner. Our youngest is 3, and wants to keep up with the bigger kids. Its so nice to have left babyland behind us. Jaden has a parent handle on the back of his bike, so it means I can walk, and keep him in check. Its quite a liberating feeling when a mum realises that her babies are growing up. Its bittersweet, but also really liberating.
While I love all the little trinkets I was given for mothers day, my favourite gift is a video Amy did of herself playing the guitar. I have asked her a number of times to let me video tape her playing something on her guitar, so it was just lovely when she told me she video taped herself playing as part of her mothers day gift to me. I love hearing her play her guitar. She is getting better all the time, she seems to have a real ear for music. So, because my heart is so full of love for my little family, I thought I would share the little video Amy made of herself on my iPhone. She’s such a clever chook.

What a beautiful Mother’s Day Sarah. Your kids are gorgeous…it’s wonderful to know you’re loved by such special little people xx
Thanks you Tanya. It was a wonderful day. It went too fast though. lol Hope you had a lovely day up there at your farm. 🙂 I just love your blog! 🙂