I am becoming a real ‘techy mum’
Isn’t it amazing that we really can do anything we put our minds too! Obviously we are all different, and what I want for my life will probably be very different to what you want for your life, but at the end of the day, when the rubber meets the road, we all have dreams and desires that we would like to conquer while we are here on earth. For some of us this dream or goal, may be small – like clean out the pantry, but then there are other dreams or goals like going back to study and either finishing a degree or starting one.
We all have different likes, dislikes and interests. Some of us are loud achievers, and some of us are quite achievers. But non the less – we, you know, us humans, are able to do anything, and learn new skills at any age. It doesn’t matter who we are, it doesn’t matter our race, or our family background, we are able to conquer what we want for our lives. I don’t think, there is anything off limits – If you are committed, you put your mind, some time, some energy, and maybe even some money into your dream – you can achieve pretty much anything you want. The secret is in your committment level. It helps if your family are supportive – but even if they are not supportive – you and I are able to achieve our dreams, and or goals. Its up too you. I’m not trying to preach at you – I’m also point the finger back at myself.
Now where was I going with this.
I have been thinking a lot over the last few days about that parable in the bible – you know the one about the talents. Basically, the brief story of the parable is that you can either go out and invest in your dream and allow your talent to grow and become bigger than you would ever have believed, or you can basically sit on your talent and let the days turn in to weeks, and weeks into years and allow life circumstances to blow out the candle of your dream. Life is hard, but we can also use that as our excuse for not fulfilling our goals and commitments. Sometimes it can all be too hard, nobody is disagreeing with you – life is hard…but there is always going to be an excuse as to why we don’t conquer our plans and desires.
I am always going to have housework, 4 kids, a husband and distractions taking me away from my goal of writing. So far I haven’t achieved many things off my October list of things I wanted to accomplish. However, in saying that – the month is not yet done, and I have had a cold and I am making a little progress on a few of the plans for the month. I will admit though that I accidently got distracted by www.problogger.net site. They are having a major blogging conference in Melbourne this weekend. I would give my left arm and right foot to go down to that, but due to finances and a toddler – its really not a great time to be jet setting down to Melbourne. I may try twisting Dion’s arm and legs if I have too, to get a virtual ticket so I can see online all the different events that are going to be streamed into our homes via the internet. I am becoming a very techy mum – I actually understand what virtual ticket and streaming mean! 🙂
There are so many lectures on at the conference that I would love to be at. All up there are 21 lectures – but I think I would physically and mentally cope with about 10 of them. I am thinking I may see if there are any problogger lectures on youtube, particularly relating to the events that I want to see – like, how do you get more people to follow you and make comments, among other topics etc.
I am still relatively new to the whole blogging life and while I am loving it – I realise there is so many things I still need to learn. My goal is to be a professional writer. I would love to write for the profile magazine and the Kids on the Coast Magazine. I want to be in charge of my time, get paid (very well) and have the flexibility to still be a full time mum, and hire a house keeper. I want to raise my kids, have fun and work – and help Dion give the kids the best life that we can.
** Thank you to Pinterest for the use of the above images.