Sunny Coast Baby and Kids Market
Every other month I look forward to the Sunny Coast Baby and Kids Markets. I usually go to the Nambour one and the Caloundra ones. There are so many tables to look at and many opportunities to buy! I personally prefer the Caloundra markets at the Indoor sports stadium than the Nambour one, but that is simply because the indoor stadium is around the corner from us – its more convenient.
The main reason I love the markets is that I love to support ‘WAHM’s’. What is that you ask? WAHM simply means Work At Home Mum’s. Its an expensive world we live in and I am inspired by mums who find their niche and run with it. I am looking forward to being a mum with a niche with the ability to run with it, but when it comes to the markets, I really like to support mums in business, but I also love to get a bargain and for this reason the Sunny Coast Baby and Kids Markets are going under ‘My Favourite Things.
The other reason why I love the markets is that I love to get a good bargain and many of these stores want to sell off there goodies at reasonable prices so that a) they don’t have to take there items home, and b) they too are mums and know us other mums want to walk away feeling good about what we just bought!
Here is a photo of the markets at the Caloundra Indoor Stadium on North Street.
This is just half the stadium!
Here is a very happy mum selling her wares.