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Mischievious Mum’s Favourite Things 2015

Do you remember the Oprah show?   I have to admit I miss the Oprah show, particularly the give away shows. The Extravagant “Oprah’s Favourite things’ shows.  I loved seeing Oprah give away luxurious gifts to her shocked and very excited crowds.  Remember the holiday to Australia for all those American teachers, and the time she presented everyone with a new car?

Each year, Oprah puts together a list of things that she calls ‘Oprah’s Favourite Things’, and of course this year is no different.  I’m not sure how she goes about giving it all away these days, but I know she can still put together a fabulous ‘favourites list’.

Now,  I must remind you that I am not Oprah…I am Mischievious Mum, and this is my ‘Mischievous Mum Favourites List 2015’.   I thought I might share it with you.

Mischievous Mum’s Favourite Things 2015



NuSkin body Spa

3.  wrinkeproof

4. Book: The Fringe Hours, by Jessica Turner


5.  Book:  Better than Before, Gretchen Rubin

6.  Book:  The Life Plan.  Simple strategies for a meaningful life, Shannah Kennedy


7. Apple iPhone 6s

8. Kikki K – Mindfulness, Happy, Habit, health Journals, Diaries, Workshops, books, Quote Cards, and Vision boards


PicMonkey Collage10.  Weekends Away

Or Time out in the Country….


11.  Parenthood Box Set

12.  My Favourite Podcasts

Favourite PODCASTS
13.  My Favourite Weight Loss Site….

28 day healthy mummy challenge website
14.  My Favourite Recipe Books

Recipe books

15.   An hour to my self every day…

I’m sure I could put numerous other things on my list….but these things are my favourite’s list, and while I, Mischievious Mum, am a minimalist at heart, I find the idea of 100 things on a list is a little indulgent.   Each item has a direct purpose and makes a difference or would make a difference in my life in one way or another.

Do you have a list of favourite things that you would like to share?

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